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- Alice Park Photography

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Littlest Leddy

Last weekend, I went to Charleston to visit one of my favorite families. I've been photographing Logan since he was 11 days old... And although Logan's family no longer lives in Atlanta, that hasn't stopped me from visiting Logan and his new baby brother Connor every chance I have.

Some favorites from visiting their beautiful family last week.

Baby Conner, the littlest leddy...

I loved capturing all of his littleness. Little feet, little lips. Little ears, little cheeks. And little hands.

The whole family. In Charleston.

Love this one....

And this series.

Logan: What do I do daddy?
Dad: Give your baby brother a kiss, Logan...
Logan: I don't know how...
Dad: Like this...
Logan: Ok.
Connor: Too many kisses, family!

Another series I love. Some downtime with daddy...

And I couldn't help but post this... Left: Logan, 11 days old. Right: Connor, almost 4 weeks old...

The resemblance is crazy.

1 comment:

Tira J said...

Gorgeous images Alice! I love the "what do I do" series! Hugs to you.