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This is the place for all who want to see what’s new in our world of children, photography and fun! We hope that the images and stories we share bring you as much joy and inspiration as it has for us.

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- Alice Park Photography

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Your Family's Record Keeper

I have an important job. Not a special job (although, it is pretty special), an important job.

I photographed Melissa's family a couple of years ago when she gave birth to her now 2 year old, Thomas, at Northside hospital. It was a pretty amazing day, full of little miracles that led to Thomas' big arrival. Afterwards, I went home, processed my favorite captures of the day, and then excitedly showed Melissa's family the story of Thomas' arrival through my lens. She was thrilled.

A few months later, Melissa's mom called me in a frantic. Her daughter and two grandchildren were involved in a highway car accident that fortunately left the two small ones unharmed, but Melissa in the emergency room battling for her life. After a series of operations, Melissa was in stable condition but in a deep coma.

All of the photographs of Melissa soon resurfaced from everyone she knew, from every neck of the woods. Mine included.

Her church gathered in prayer for Melissa's recovery. Everyone read Melissa's mom's web page for daily updates and left words of encouragement. It was a long two months, but Melissa did wake up. And although it took her some time to heal physically, her spirit and soul remained unchanged.

Melissa's experiences, although extreme, are not uncommon to the families I see everyday. Life happens. Sometimes tragedy hits us in ways we're not prepared for. Sometimes we take our everyday moments for granted...

Photography isn't just a creative hobby for me. It's my job. And it's yours too. Record these moments in your family's life - even the spilled milk, the scary hair days, and the temper tantrums. Especially those. Take time to journal the little memories that make everyday special. Be your family's Record Keeper. And embrace the job...

I have photographed Melissa's family since the accident, but this last session was special. A renewed sense of all things wonderful in life. Family. The sweet eskimo kisses. Being able to hold and squeeze your kids. Laughing and living...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Butterfly Kisses and Dandelion Wishes

Spring is here, and what a wonderful time to be outdoors with your loved ones.... Heading to see my family in Valdosta this weekend; Wishing everyone a Happy Weekend!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Caroline | Just a few days old...

...and already smiling.

Gorgeous April weather. The perfect time of the year to have a birthday.

Loved this Cherry blossom tree... I came back the week after, and all of the blossoms had fallen.

And a couple of my favorites with the new mother and father.

Just had to post this one. For all of my clients, I'm sure you can relate...

This is an inevitable part of taking great shots of a sleepy, naked baby. Hilarious.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


...amidst of family of six (with one on the way!) session, one will have a meltdown.
sometimes it just happens...
no matter how much fun the rest of us are having, no matter what type of bribery you offer.
it just happens...

...because being the third child of four (with one on the way!) is hard.

all she needs is a little love. a little attention...

...to spark that inner dancer, that free-spirited child.

and make her smile like she's the only one in the world.

naomi, 2 years old

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sophia, Maggie and Elizabeth

My favorite.... 3 girls. In April. We enjoyed a lovely picnic outdoors, discussed favorite books over tea, and danced to music. Perfect all the way around....



And the newest addition, Elizabeth.

...and one of my absolute favorites.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


She has college volleyball on her mind, finishing her AP exams, and possibly joining a sorority. To be 18... :)

And snuck this shot at the end with mom, who scheduled this session with me as a gift to Lindsey. What a sweet bond they have....

Monday, April 5, 2010

Moms & Easter Monday

To all of the moms this Easter Monday....

Thank you for all of the beautiful things you do in life.... for the Easter egg hunts, the fancy Sunday dresses, for balancing sports schedules with nap schedules, school meetings with fundraisers, for always putting your children, husband, dogs and cats in front of yourself, for the big hugs, the lessons in life, and for remembering to taking the time to document your children, even when you're always the one behind the camera.

This Easter Monday, I salute you.

Happy Monday Everyone!