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- Alice Park Photography

Monday, August 3, 2009

FAQ: Travel

I've been receiving some inquiries lately on my policy for travel. I figured I would tackle some questions here :)

"How much do you charge for travel?" "Do you have any stipulations or minimum order requirements?" "Are you flexible?"

The truth is as much as I LOVE to travel, get out of Atlanta & visit new places + people, I have a very unique love/hate relationship with it. When I leave this city to photograph a new family, I'm more excited than a dog getting ready for his walk of the day. I become consumed with my new adventures ahead, scheduling what I will do and the new things I will try every second of the day. I bring work with me because I have every intention to work, but never EVER does any of it get done.

So I come back, 3 days to a week later, and I stare at my 3 million emails to answer, dozen phone calls to return, 2 thousand item "priority" to-do list, and I hold my hands up ready to surrender.

I admit this is due to my complete and utter lack of self-control when I travel. Even if it's the busiest time of the year, I somehow find a way to ignore my missed calls and unanswered emails until it's mountain high.

How much do I charge for travel? It depends. Time is my most valuable asset...When I am out of the office, I am away from potential clients here, production work, and all of my other responsibilities as a business owner. Typically, aside from my flight, hotel & per diem expenses, I charge a nominal fee for my time. Also, I typically do require a minimum number of clients per visit, so if you have friends and/or family interested in my services, it always helps alleviate the costs of travel.

Minimum order requirements? Yes. Each client that I photograph must commit to a minimum order beyond the session fee (please email to inquire).

Are you flexible? During the months of September - December, unfortunately no. I am booked SOLID during those months, staying up countless nights making sure I don't fall behind. My most flexible months for travel is January thru March. Summer months of June - July come in close second, Spring and Fall are up in the air.

Do I love it? ABSOLUTELY. Too much. I already feel like I have the best job in the world, and when I'm asked to travel to photograph, it adds all the more glamour.

If for some reason, I can't make it out to you, you can always come to me! Atlanta Hartsfield is one of the most accessible airports in the country, and I hear babies are easy to pack! =)

Image courtesy of GOoGle images.

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