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- Alice Park Photography

Friday, January 16, 2009

Detoxifying....with Arden's Garden

After weeks of stuffing myself with fried food, cake, cookies and late night snacking (ok, more like years), I've decided the weight around my hips and thighs wasn't going to magically disappear on its own. I need to reclaim my health and body. Because jumping and running around with kids during photo shoots doesn't burn as many calories as I thought it would...

I'm on Day 2 of Arden's Garden Detox Program - a two-day juice program that cleanses, detoxifies, and rejuvenates the body while allowing you to also lose a few pounds. I haven't been following the regimen exactly, as it strictly calls for no food, but I already feel revitalized, lighter, and motivated to continue this path of healthy living.

2009 is going to be a great year for me. Maybe this health kick will encourage me to cook healthier foods & eat more fruits and vegetables. Maybe I'll finally be able to fit into my pre-college clothes and dresses. Or maybe, just maybe it'll encourage me to sleep more, work less so I can take in more of the world around me with a lighter spirit (or maybe just annoy Kyu less with my grogginess). I'll drink another glass of fruit juice to that!


Anonymous said...

How does it taste? Jeff and I are both on a lose weight kick!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Keep it up! I'm very impressed, I must say! :D I know I tend to feel so much better when I'm at least making an effort, versus being a lazy bum and eating junk all the time. Placebo effect? Maybe. But whatever works! :D

Amy Hunsinger said...

i just heard someone else mentioning that. where do you get it? can you get it at whole foods? i can't imagine you needing to loose any lbs! you're hawt girlie!