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This is the place for all who want to see what’s new in our world of children, photography and fun! We hope that the images and stories we share bring you as much joy and inspiration as it has for us.

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- Alice Park Photography

Monday, October 25, 2010

Your Family

Creating that perfect family portrait is incredibly important to me during our session. But what is a perfect family portrait?

Well, it's arguably "the" shot where each family is looking straight at the camera, beautiful smiles, hair in place, angled to look thinner, and no boo-boo's, wrinkles, blemishes or gray hair appear anywhere in the shot.

Sure, it's a beautiful portrait. And we all love it... But what draws us to look deeper into your family are the real moments. The moments that make you smile, remember, believe, and love. These are the moments I try so hard to capture...

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