Last week, I had the AMAZING opportunity to photograph the winning family of last Christmas' Big Holiday Giveaway. Ty and his family were nominated by one of my favorite clients - the Shoop family. Meredith Shoop wrote to me with her neighbor's story:
Karen moved her 3 years ago from New Orleans. She was a victim, or should I say, survivor of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. She lost everything in the flooding that occurred after the hurricane. Her parents happen to live in Marietta so she evacuated with her husband and, then 2 year old, son to be here. Her husband went back to New Orleans a month later to check on things. There house was flooded to the second story. They lost everything and I mean everything. The only thing that remained was a few baby and wedding pictures that were hanging on the walls upstairs. If anyone cherishes pictures the most it’s my neighbor because she lost so many of them in the flood.
To make things worse, her husband died while he was back visiting. I’ve never asked about the cause of death, but it was some accident related to the flooding. She was able to purchase this house in Marietta with her insurance money, but she still has a mortgage. It was the weirdest thing to see someone move into a house with no moving van or boxes. There simply wasn’t anything to move or unpack. She is a single mom with a 5 year old and works full time as a teacher. She takes her son to school with her and I see her car pull out of the driveway every morning at 6:45am. She has a few health issues and had some cancer removed about 2 years ago. So, she’s been through a lot.
Most importantly, she never complains. She is so generous and giving and has never asked for anything. She gives us all of her son’s old clothes to Logan because she just so nice to us. I feel guilty having a nice husband and family and living right next door. But, she has been a wonderful friend and someone that I am thankful to have in my life.
I know that she’d love to have some professional pictures of her and her son for memories. It’s would be a chance for her to start over.

It is my absolute pleasure to introduce 5 year old Ty and his mom, Karen:

After the storm, she lost many precious family photos in the flood. Though the lost images are irreplaceable,
we made it a point to gather her entire family together to take a 4 generation photo.

Ty enjoys all of the things any 5 year old would.
Jumping on the bed, reading, running around and baseball (coached by his grandfather, "Coach").

As we finished our session, I had the chance to talk briefly with Ty about his experiences and how much he missed his dad.
He told me, "I love my whole family a lot. I have some pictures of my dad here in my room. My mom says he's with me everyday."

Above elephant given to Ty by his father.
Though the Cosse family suffered a tremendous loss in so many immeasurable ways, they now look at life differently. The love life. They love their family more, and they make each day a celebration. Each family meal is Thanksgiving, and I love you's are never held back. Life is different now for the Cosse family, but in an amazing way...
I write this post with the sincerest appreciation of having met this little boy and his family. I, too often, get caught up in due dates, timelines, and checklists. The Cosse family lives every day the way it should be lived. Loving every minute they spend together and cherishing all of the small things that make life so wonderful.