One of my (and often times, my child-client's) FAVORITE spreads to design in their folios book is the Show & Tell spread. I receive a lot of emails from parents asking how they can really personalize their child's book, and I can't think of a better way than through a collective collage of their favorite toys, blankets, books, can't-sleep-a-night-without lovies, and of course - a wide angle shot of their bedroom.
"How do we illustrate in words the significance of each item in their Show & Tell?"
Here's one great example how. Below is Hill's Show & Tell spread at age 1. His mom wrote this series to describe his favorites:
From left to right/top to bottom: Toy car - Hill loves anything that moves, so he loves to crawl pushing this car along with him. Colorful Ball - One of Hill's first words was ball, and he ADORES them. This one was one of the first he could hold because of the holes in it. Drum set - Hill is all boy and likes to bang on anything, so of course drums are one of his favorite toys. Giraffe Blanket - Hill cannot sleep without his green, silky, Little Giraffe blanket. We have 2 . . . just in case! Race Car - This was one of his Christmas gifts from his Grandma and Grandaddy Hill, and he thinks it's so much fun to ride up and down the street in this motorized car. Tonka Truck - This was one of his Christmas gifts from his Grandma and Grandaddy Kelso, and this walker/ride-on truck helped him learn to walk. Favorite Bedtime Books - We've read to Hill from an early age, and it's one of the only times now that he'll sit still is when we read to him! Activity Cube - This activity cube has so many things to play with that it entertains him for long periods of time. Piano - Hill has always loved and responded to music, so this piano is of course a favorite of his.

I've documented everything from family pets, favorite snacks, family members (she was daddy's little girl), pacifiers, and the ever-popular Baby Einstein videos. Use you & your child's imagination on this spread. I promise it will be a favorite for years to come!