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This is the place for all who want to see what’s new in our world of children, photography and fun! We hope that the images and stories we share bring you as much joy and inspiration as it has for us.

Please feel free to bookmark us, add us to your RSS feed and get to know us better. Leave us a comment or two and make us smile!

- Alice Park Photography

Thursday, July 31, 2008

5 day old Jack & his puppies

It's not rare that during newborn sessions, I have the opportunity to walk around the house and photograph whatever inspires me. Their room, a sentimental note from mom, a blanket stitched by grandma.

I loved meeting Jack.

And his beautiful parents.

And during one of Jack's feedings, I met his dogs Sophie & Bella. What a joy they were to play with while passing the time!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Client FAQ - What if my child is not acting her best during our session?

During my trip to Philly, I stopped by to see one of my favorite little girls, Milan. I've been documenting Milan all over the country since she was 7 months old. First in Atlanta, then in New York at 1, and finally in Philly at 2.

When I arrived, Milan did not feel like taking photos but unfortunately, rescheduling was not an option for us. Milan had to tough it out for her 2 year photos, and I had to get creative!

I was definitely not feeling the love when I got there:

BUT, I tell mom and dad not to fret. There's ALWAYS ways to make them smile! A little tickle....

The magic of bubbles....

And alas, Milan comes out of her shell. These are the moments I love.

There isn't a magical button I push to get smiling faces and capture happy memories. It's a collaborative effort between me and those closest to my little subject. These are the stories I like to document.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Karen + Andrew | Engaged

I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph my dear friend Karen & Andrew's engagement photos last weekend in Philly. Karen has been in my life since highschool. We know all of each other's nuances, stubborness levels and hopes & dreams. When she called and told me the good news of her engagement, I had to come meet the man myself. He had some pretty high standards to meet.

I was absolutely blown away by Andrew. Not only is he kind and sensitive and PATIENT to put up with my friend Karen (love you girl!), Andrew has dedicated his life to working as an inner city missionary with World Impact, an organization dedicated to planting churches among the unchurched urban poor in America. He showed me the grade school they were building in Chester, reaching out to over 50 children and their families. Teaching them academically, socially, and spiritually. As he walked me through the school, the neighboring communities they impacted and introduced me to the children they touched, my heart melted. Karen searched and prayed her whole life for a man who she could trust and lead her and her family. And I know she found that person.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Just returned from an amazing trip. Will be blogging all of my sessions soon!

If you're wondering, yes - the cheesesteak was really REALLY good! =)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Philadelphia Bound!

Just a quick note to all that I will be heading up to Philly this weekend for 2 shoots and some Geno's philly cheesesteaks!

All emails, calls & inquiries will be answered when I return to the office this Tuesday. Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The happy Crawford we all know and love

During my last visit to see Crawford, he wasn't in the happiest of moods. It's one of those things I have accepted in children photography - if the child is not happy, reschedule. I am so glad that I did, because today - I saw the bubbly, sweet Crawford that I know and love.

LOVE this image of Baker looking through the window! Baker is the family's first baby.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Gabriel's 5th Birthday

This little boy is very special to me. I've known Gabriel since he was 6 months old, celebrating every birthday, graduation & little boy right-of-passage with him. He has the same heart and personality as his uncle Kyu, excelling in every athletic activity his mom & dad put him in, while remaining the humble, good-natured boy that loves his mommy very much (he's a momma's boy, just like Kyu was).

We celebrated his 5th birthday at the park on Sunday, doing all of the little things kids love most.

Balloons, cake & all of his best friends.

Of course a star wars inspired birthday cake. Big brother Lucas was so happy for Gabe.

A soccer piñata! 8 boys without blindfolds? It was over within a few swings...

And dad's brilliant idea on a hot, summer day - water guns. The boys went crazy over this.

I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with this little boy.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

For Alison

Just one for my friend Alison from our impromptu session/breakfast this morning at the park. This one took less than 60 seconds!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bubble Bath

I absolutely love bubble bath photos. Perhaps it reminds me of my happiest childhood memories; perhaps it's every child's reaction to splashing of water & all of the bubbles. I'm not sure what it is, but it brings out all that is happy within me when I document a little boy like Davis taking a bubble bath in the kitchen sink.

And of course drying off with a favorite towel. Pure Joy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Honored to be a part of Design Aglow

We are so humbled and deeply honored to be a part of Design Aglow's Success Issue. Design Aglow is one of photography & design's premier online resource and magazine, so when they selected our "marriage + folio books" story, we were ecstatic.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gorgeous Parents

After all of the families I've photographed, I've come to the conclusion that beautiful babies come from beautiful parents. Brilliant concept? Yes, I know.

Saahir & Aashna are no exception. Just look at mom and dad. Gorgeous!

Aashna last year:

Baby Saahir and mom & dad at 4 months:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Super Mom

My friend Julie praised her friend Melissa on the phenomenal job she was doing raising 3 children under the age of 2 and a half. On Saturday, I knew exactly what she was referring to.

Spit-up, changing diapers and lack of sleep is part of Melissa's daily routine. Somehow she managed to prepare everyone for a successful photo session, while looking beautiful and effortlessly very put together.

The twins at 14 days old:

And at 4 months:

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Fabulous Nudds

I received an email from the super talented photography duo Garrett & Joy Nudd of Garrett Nudd Photography and the famous Elevate Workshops about a quick visit to Atlanta today, and I jumped at the invitation to meet them for lunch.

Love these guys. We talked photography, life, marriage, photography - and then headed off to a photography/marketing seminar afterwards with the famed Australian portrait photographer Tero Sade.

Great seeing you guys again! Going to follow up with you both in a month to see if you implemented what we learned today!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Announcing: Beach Sessions - October 2008

Mark your calendars for October 16th - 18th, 2008. Alice will be holding very exclusive beach sessions along the exquisite beaches of Kiawah Island.

Formal signup will be in August. Please email Alice to be placed on the waiting list and for more information - alice@aliceparkphotography.com.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Client FAQ - Show & Tell

One of my (and often times, my child-client's) FAVORITE spreads to design in their folios book is the Show & Tell spread. I receive a lot of emails from parents asking how they can really personalize their child's book, and I can't think of a better way than through a collective collage of their favorite toys, blankets, books, can't-sleep-a-night-without lovies, and of course - a wide angle shot of their bedroom.

"How do we illustrate in words the significance of each item in their Show & Tell?"

Here's one great example how. Below is Hill's Show & Tell spread at age 1. His mom wrote this series to describe his favorites:

From left to right/top to bottom: Toy car - Hill loves anything that moves, so he loves to crawl pushing this car along with him. Colorful Ball - One of Hill's first words was ball, and he ADORES them. This one was one of the first he could hold because of the holes in it. Drum set - Hill is all boy and likes to bang on anything, so of course drums are one of his favorite toys. Giraffe Blanket - Hill cannot sleep without his green, silky, Little Giraffe blanket. We have 2 . . . just in case! Race Car - This was one of his Christmas gifts from his Grandma and Grandaddy Hill, and he thinks it's so much fun to ride up and down the street in this motorized car. Tonka Truck - This was one of his Christmas gifts from his Grandma and Grandaddy Kelso, and this walker/ride-on truck helped him learn to walk. Favorite Bedtime Books - We've read to Hill from an early age, and it's one of the only times now that he'll sit still is when we read to him! Activity Cube - This activity cube has so many things to play with that it entertains him for long periods of time. Piano - Hill has always loved and responded to music, so this piano is of course a favorite of his.

I've documented everything from family pets, favorite snacks, family members (she was daddy's little girl), pacifiers, and the ever-popular Baby Einstein videos. Use you & your child's imagination on this spread. I promise it will be a favorite for years to come!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Big Brother Pearce

It's hard to believe that this little boy (taken Jan 2007 at 3 months)...

...is going to be a big brother in another month!

Friday, July 4, 2008


Addie, Wyatt & Huston's mom really wanted an image of all 3 of her children in an outfit that had a lot of history and significance to her and her family. So, I took to the challenge when I arrived that morning.

I'm always impressed that after a series of images like this:

We end up with an image as perfect as this:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Korean's Wife Guide to Cooking

Last night, I received a package from one of Kyu's dear friends' wife Ayun. Over dinner last week, I expressed to her my desire to learn to cook better for my 'spoiled by all of the amazing food his mother cooked' husband Kyu. As a Chinese-American, I only knew Chinese cooking & techniques I was accustomed to from my mom's kitchen. So, as a surprise, Ayun sent me the most thoughtful gift ever - the book she learned to cook like a Korean rock star cook to.

As I flipped through the pages last night, a gleaming smile from ear to ear, my husband looked at me and said - "This is awesome."

I can't wait to try out the recipes. Thank you, Ayun!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baby Cecilia - 2 Days Old

I received an email of Cecilia's arrival from the proud dad late Friday evening. After spending an afternoon shooting their family's belly photos, I was so eager to come back and meet the beautiful baby. We scheduled Cecilia's session at 2 days - the earliest I've ever shot a newborn.

At 7 lbs 10 oz, she was a strong girl! Practically turning her head on her own. Some favorites:

A proud moment for me. (sent by Cecilia's momma)