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This is the place for all who want to see what’s new in our world of children, photography and fun! We hope that the images and stories we share bring you as much joy and inspiration as it has for us.

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- Alice Park Photography

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 for the Parks

My friends can attest that one of my favorite parts of being married to my husband, is the hopes and dreams we have for our future and for Alice Park Photography. It's the best feeling in the world knowing that we started this business together just a couple of years ago. I was dying working a 9-5 cubicle job, and today - I get to spend my days finding beautiful light with beautiful babies.

After every session, I give Mr. Park a big hug because I owe this very fulfilling job that I have, to him. Kyu is a very modest, humble and behind-the-scenes kind of guy, but behind every business decision is a mastermind who is constantly three steps ahead planning the future for our little small business.

We have a lot planned and in store for 2009, and I'm so thrilled that we are doing this 100% together. Side-by-side. Holding our hands and holding our breath. Life is a lot funner when you can share every magical moment and milestone (and even obstacle) with someone you love.

Fun images above by talented photographers, Anne & Dan Almasy.


Dennis Bullock said...

You guys are such a team and look like you are full of love for each other.

Amy Hunsinger said...

these are so beautiful of you guys! great writing too!!!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! How awesome to get to work with your husband.
Looking forward to catching up next week!

Anonymous said...

Well i must say im amazed!..
Im from holland and i lóve children.. im 24 weeks pregnant now and I love how you bring out the joy in your pictures.
I sure hope there are some great photographers like you in holland.

Keep ip the good work!