A question I'm often asked by first-time parents is when to professionally document their baby's first year.
"Should I see you every three months? Once a year? Everyday?"
Although there is no right answer to these questions, and I believe you can never choose to photograph too many stages during your baby's first year, my absolute *favorite* stages to document are the maternity, newborn, 7 month and 1 year milestones. Over the course of the years, we've fine tuned our One Year Plan to what we feel best illustrates the biggest milestones of your baby's first year of life. I see an average of 50 One Year Clients a year, and I'd have to say without a doubt that watching them grow is one of the highlights of my job.
Today, we're focusing on baby's first year, my recommended ages to photography & why:
1) Maternity: I love focusing on the belly at this stage. We typically like to schedule around the 32-36 week period when mom is still comfortable, but she's showing quite a bump. Although this stage is not commonly included as part of the One Year Plan (rather, it's an add-on), I do love documenting the love & anticipation of mom and dad while they're expecting. It's such a magical stage....

2) Newborn: Scheduled within the first 14 days of life (ideally around 5-7 days old). Never again will your baby be able to curl up in mom and dad's hands, look blissfully at peace asleep, or be so content posing in a tiny basket or swaddled up...

3) 6/7 Months Old: Or when they are starting to sit up comfortably on their own...and not quite mobile. The timing of this phase is critical. This my absolute favorite age (ever) to photograph because it is, I believe, the quintessential baby age. I love the chubby legs, the rolls on his arms, his big buddha belly... And I love being able to document this without the the fear of him running away from me!

4) 1 Year Old: Finally, he's a year old. And what a reason to celebrate! I love finishing with this milestone, as it's quite incredible to watch this little peanut grow into a little boy.

In the end, we will put together a custom designed story of your child's first year based on your 50 or so favorite images. Your child's first year will be finished in one of our signature folio books and will include the details you want just as much to remember: his favorite toys, blankets, bedtime stories, a photo of his nursery, favorite bible passages or quotes, his first words, his weight & height at each milestone, and for many - a journal entry or dedication from the parents to their beloved child.
These albums tell the story of your baby's first year and becomes an important heirloom piece that your child will eventually pass down from one generation to the next. As we put together the finishing touches of baby William's (pictured above) One Year Album, a glimpse of a finished folio book.

Because of the amount of time we invest in each of our One Year clients, we do limit the number we accept each month. If you are expecting, be sure to call today to get on our list!