I am a big fan of bloggers, certain bloggers more than others. ;)
Spending my mornings with the AJC and a cup of coffee has quickly been replaced with answering emails and keeping up with virtual friends and the fascinating lives they lead. If I'm searching for a little photographic inspiration, I'm on NAPCP's Blogroll, but if I'm in need for some calm in my life, I'm keeping up with Mil or Ree (a couple virtual friends who seem to solve all of my qualms in life...).
Yesterday, I received a beautifully crafted announcement revealing the launch of my friend Joy's new blog - cobblestone rue.

She writes:
Cobblestone rue is my search for clarity.
It's about birthday parties and tea parties.
It's about lifestyle and home style.
It's about smart fashion for children and smart children.
It's about being a wife, mom, entrepreneur, cook, designer, housekeeper, chauffeur and super-hero, all at the same time and doing so with grace and ease.
What makes bloggers so compelling to me is how relatable and honest and open they are. Joy is no exception. Life is complicated, but she counts her blessings everyday and isn't afraid to teach her daughters to dream.
I'm excited about the launch of her new blog - her place of purpose and passion. I've witnessed Joy do amazing things with her husband Garrett's photography career and effortlessly juggle life's craziness with grace & poise. I can't wait to see where she takes this, and I look forward to following her journey.