Because we could survive anywhere.
This weekend, Kyu took me and our loyal, but pampered, 12-year-old lab Sydney to the woods in North Georgia for an overnight camping trip. It was beautiful - stunning views with amazing landscape photography opportunities (of course, I forgot to bring my SLR). Everything was perfect....until nightfall. You see, for Sydney and I, it was our first outdoor overnighter. We weren't used to the pitch black darkness, all of the strange noises, and no AC. I felt sticky, hot - and worst of all, a blood-sucking target to all of insects within a 1 mile radius. Nope, insect repellant did not work on me.
Then, at 1:30 am, despite all weather channels reporting clear skies, it began to rain and thunder very, very hard. I think Sydney was more scared than me. Look at her puppy dog eyes.

Kyu was restless. He couldn't watch Sydney whimper outside in the rain, so he let her come into the dry tent with me. The two of us waited patiently as Kyu built a water-proof irrigation/drainage system around our tent. Watching him work at 3 in the morning for his 2 girls made me fall in love with him all over again. I could follow him anywhere in the world and know he would always take care of me....
After about 3 hours of hard rain & me forgetting the "cardinal rule of camping" - never leave your tent unzipped, I had enough. Kyu wasn't getting any sleep in the rain, and I had leeches, giant roaches, and slimy scorpions in the tent with me and Syd. So Kyu packed up all that he could and led me and Sydney out on our mile hike out back to our car. Sydney and I passed out in the car at around 5 am. At 6:45 am, Kyu and I gathered our bug-infested tent & remaining items, and we headed back to the city.
What a trip! Kyu tivos Bear Brylls and Survivorman. I'm so glad that he does.